NOW Checking
NOW Checking
Looking for interest-bearing checking accounts? Try CNB’s highly popular NOW and SuperNOW accounts. These banking products pay interest on your balances – with the advantages of checking and savings. Find out more about CNB’s NOW line of checking products.
- Available to individuals only.
- Interest rates may change weekly.
- Interest is credited at the end of each statement period and paid on the collected balance.
- No maintenance charges as long as you maintain a $500 minimum balance in your Passbook Savings account, or a $500 minimum balance in your checking account, or an average balance of $1,000 in your checking account.
- If your balance drops below the required balance there is a maintenance charge of $10.00 per month and $.35 per debit.
- CNB banking card at no additional charge.
- No interest earned for any day the balance drops below $500.
SuperNOW Checking
- Available to individuals only.
- A minimum $500 initial deposit is required.
- Interest credited at the end of the statement period.
- Interest rate may change weekly.
- Unlimited number of checks.
- If your daily balance drops below $1,500, the interest rate drops to the NOW rate.
- No maintenance charges as long as you maintain a $1,000 minimum balance in your Passbook Savings account, or $1,000 minimum balance in your checking account, or an average balance of $2,000 in your checking account.
- Pays the SuperNOW rate plus .1% on balances of $5,000 and more determined by your daily balances per statement period.
- Pays the SuperNOW rate on balances from $1,500 to $4,999 determined by your daily balances per statement period.
- Pays the NOW rate on balances of $500 – $1,499 determined by your daily balances per statement period.
- Pays no interest on balances of $0 – $499 determined by your daily balances per statement period.
- If your balance drops below the required balance, there is a maintenance charge of $10.00 per month and $.35 per debit.
All accounts for business purposes are subject to commercial analysis activity charges under “Commercial Checking Accounts.”